The 5 term Senator from West Virginia met with the president yesterday to voice his concerns that the Baucus bill will do too little for America. He expressed to the president what a lot of liberals have been feeling over the last couple weeks. Rockefeller like any sensible American wants to see a public option, and he wants the co-op out. No proof exists that the co-op can compete with the monopolies of private insurance plans. Even if they could compete the idea is to drive down prices, the only plan that lays the foundation for achieving that is government run public option.
Rockefeller also mentioned that the Children's Health Insurance Program which provides care for the children of the working poor should remain independent from the overhaul. I can hardly disagree, Baucus is trying to save money by rolling families into the health exchanges. The program though is already a success, so dismantling it could have devastating consequences for parents who are not aware that they will need to take extra steps to insure that their children are covered.
I'm relieved that someone is finally standing up for an agenda that will provide quality, affordable care for all Americans. Over the last couple of months Senator Baucus has been trying to reach a bipartisan solution, but through that compromise many sacrifices have been made. The Baucus bill will leave around 28 million Americans uninsured in 10 years, it has significantly cut the subsidies for middle class Americans, and it includes a free rider provision that could hurt the job market for low income workers. Even with these amendments not one republican has signed onto the bill. Democrats continue to give into republican demands and they continually tell us that its not enough. Well the time for bipartisanship is over, democrats have one of greatest majorities in the history of Congress. As a former boss once told me "its time to man it up." If republicans will not sign onto a compromise leave them behind, pass a bill with a strong public option and subsidies that will help the middle class. If you cannot get the 60 votes you need to avoid a filibuster, use the budget reconciliation process.
The purpose of this legislation from the start has been to radically overhaul health care, yesterday the president told students at the University of Maryland that the health care fight is "the defining struggle of this generation." If that is the case, then I expect more democrats will stand with Senator Rockefeller demanding quality government oriented health legislation.
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